Television Hardware

Microsoft Sues Samsung Over Patent Royalties

04 August 2014

Call it a battle of the behemoths. Microsoft Corp. has filed a lawsuit against Samsung for what it claims to be a lack of payments on patents related to the Android operating system.

Samsung is one of the largest makers of Android-based smartphones and tablets and the lawsuit stems from patents held by Nokia and the claim comes after Microsoft absorbed the handset business from the company.

In a blog post on its Web site, Microsoft deputy general counsel David Howard said that after months of trying to resolve the disagreement, Samsung “has made clear in a series of letters and discussion that we have a fundamental disagreement as to the meaning of our contract.”

Howard said that beginning in 2011, both companies came to an agreement to cross-license IP in regard to the Android OS and that until recently, Samsung had been complying with the contract and paying to use Microsoft’s IP.

But after Microsoft announced it would acquire Nokia’s smartphone business, Howard said “Samsung began using the acquisition as an excuse to breach its contract.”

Howard did says that the software giant “values and respects” its partnership with Samsung but wants the courts to determine whether or not the contract should be enforced.

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