The school year is coming to an end and with it comes the time of year where students lose out on up to two months of grade-level science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills.
Texas Instruments (TI) is offering a way to continue to have students learn STEM lessons during the summer across the U.S.
TI’s STEM Squad will spend the next few months traveling to various school campuses across the country, offering project-based learning activities that make important STEM concepts relevant in real-world ways. TI will also host live, virtual field trips to give students another opportunity to engage with STEM.
The activities range from coding and the basics of engineering design such as learning to program an alarm that alerts owners if they left a pet in a hot car or experimenting with robotics such as controlling a machine using a calculator. More than 50 school campuses will be visited by the STEM Squad during the summer.
"Learning doesn't have to end when the last school bell rings," said Peter Balyta, president of TI Education Technology. "Summer is an ideal time for students to experiment with math, science and even basic engineering, without the added pressure of grades or tests. TI's summer STEM activities were designed with fun in mind, knowing that during the summer break, we need to work even harder to keep students engaged with STEM."
To learn more about TI’s STEM activities.