
PCs Off to a Slow Start in 2015

13 May 2015

Decline sales in the PC Industry. Source: WikiDecline sales in the PC Industry. Source: WikiThe first quarter of 2015 started the year off below expectations and immediate concerns have developed throughout the PC industry as to whether the stability the market saw in 2014 was just a short term spike due from the Windows XP retirement in April of 2014, which fueled strong commercial refreshes. Preliminary total PC shipments (including desktop PC, mobile PC) for Q1 2015 are expected to come in at 71.9 million units, down from the previous forecast. This represents a sequential decline of 11.2%, and an annual decline of 4.8%.

IHS sees that two adjustments took place within the PC industry which was the main causes behind the slow first quarter. First, after a very strong manufacturing build plan in the fourth quarter of 2014, there were corrections that took place in the first quarter of 2015 to balance the inventory left after the holiday season. As well, the commercial refresh in the desktop market that was taking place in 2014 has clearly slowed. The result was a worse than expected performance in the first quarter, beyond the normal seasonally slow period.

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