Supply Chain Management

Synopsys to Provide Tools for Chinese FPGA Startup

28 October 2014

FPGA and IP supplier Synopsys Inc. has entered into a multi-year OEM agreement with Gowin Semiconductor, a field programmable gate array (FPGA) supplier based in China, for FPGA design tools.

Synopsys will provide its Synplify Pro FPGA synthesis tool to Gowin for use in its GW2A/3S FPGAs. According to Synopsys, the software improves runtimes and results for timing, area and power in FPGA design. Gowin’s FPGAs use highly programmable logic, block SRAM and digital signal processor (DSP) blocks for performance and power. Synopsys said using its design tools will give designers a higher performance with fewer iterations.

Ning Song, CTO and VP of FPGA software at Gowin, said in a statement that its customers require a synthesis flow to help meet tight project timelines and with the integration of the Synplify Pro designers can “achieve the highest quality of results for timing, area and runtime.”

Synopsys’ tools, Gowin’s FPGAs can be ported to a wide range of devices and I/O capabilities in the consumer, industrial, communication and computing markets, Synopsys said.

Related links:

IHS Semiconductors & Components

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