Leti, a research institute of CEA Tech, today announced Leti’s silicon photonics process design kit (PDK) for photonic circuits is available in the Synopsys PhoeniX OptoDesigner suite.
Leti’s integrated silicon photonics platform has been developed for high-speed optical transceivers and highly-integrated optical interposer applications. The process design kit contains the design rules and building blocks for multi-project wafer and custom runs on Leti’s Si310 platform. It also includes a catalogue of components available at Leti, allowing Synopsys PhoeniX OptoDesigner customers to select the ones they need to build their circuits. Once the customers have a completed circuit design, Leti produces a proof of concept on a multi-project wafer run.
Used by more than 300 designers worldwide, OptoDesigner gives access to a complete set of passive components, such as grating couplers, silicon waveguides and transitions; and active components, such as high-speed Mach Zehnder modulators and high-speed germanium photodiodes based on Leti’s fab. It also includes physical verification tools checking whether the contributions meet the design rules defined by the fabrication constraints in Leti’s clean room.
Leti is a world leader in silicon photonics technology. Its photonic platform is France’s largest R&D center for the development, characterization and simulation of optoelectronic systems and components. Its activities range from component design through component fabrication, integration into systems and packaging.
Leti’s silicon photonics platform is also fully compatible with STMicroelectronics’ platform in Crolles, which enables fabless customers to take their new circuits to high-volume production.