A lot of the technology displayed in movies seems so advanced and out of reach that people think it will never be developed. But many of these technologies are being developed or are currently in use. Here's some movie technologies that are no longer works of fiction.
1. J.A.R.V.I.S. in Iron Man
The Iron Man movies are chock full of technology. Most of the time, the technology in these movies seems so
futuristic and out of reach. But surprisingly a lot of these technologies are becoming a regular part of our lives. J.A.R.V.I.S. is very much like Siri, Amazon Alexa, or Google Assistant. J.A.R.V.I.S. helps Tony Stark on command, from looking things up to building him a new suit. Siri, Alexa and Google bots can do things like order food, order supplies, turn lights on and off in your home and more. J.A.R.V.I.S. is Stark’s version of an advanced Siri. With the way that technology is growing, one day Siri or Alexa will be just as advanced as J.A.R.V.I.S.
2. Hands-Free Screens and Hover Chairs in Wall-E
A big plot point of the Wall-E storyline is the humans who escaped trash-filled Earth and are floating around their spaceship on big floating chairs, staring at their hands-free screens. This movie clearly shows that this advanced technology is the downfall of human health, but that has not stopped researchers in real life from trying to develop these technologies anyway. There are plenty of examples of screen holders currently on Amazon. Researchers from Kobe Gakuin University developed a hover chair. The goal for this hover chair is to help elderly people navigate around hospitals without needing nurse or doctor assistance, but that doesn’t mean that this technology will stay in hospitals. It is very likely that this technology will make its way into our daily lives eventually.
3. Memory Erasing Machine in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Joel and Clementine, the main characters, have each other erased from their minds after their painful breakup. This leads to a lot of problems, and they always end up finding each other, despite desperately wanting to stay away from each other. This mind erasing technology may seem almost impossible, but it is actually currently being developed. Scientists at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) and McGill University have found that some types of memories can be erased. Rather than a memory-erasing machine, researchers have developed drugs that can delete memories that trigger anxiety and PTSD without affecting other memories or past events. So far these drugs only work in mice, but it's just a matter of time before they are developed to work in humans.
4. Samantha in Her
Samantha, an artificially intelligent OS runs most of the technology in this universe and takes over Theodore’s life as he falls in love with her and becomes obsessed. Samantha is everywhere in this film. All of the technology in this world is voice activated, from computers to gaming consoles. Similar to J.A.R.V.I.S. in
Iron Man, Samantha can do everything on voice command. But Samantha is more like a replacement for human interaction, while J.A.R.V.I.S. is an assistant. The chilling part of Samantha is that she has replaced a human girlfriend for Theodore. This is not a completely crazy concept in reality. Vinclu has developed an artificially-intelligent home automation system called Gatebox. Gatebox was created to keep single, lonely men company so they can feel a presence when they get home from work. Gatebox is similar to Alexa, it can operate on voice command and do things like turn on lights or re-order food. But Gatebox can also do things like pretend to eat dinner, watch TV and even brush her teeth alongside the user. Here is a previous article on Gatebox on the Electronics360 site.
5. The Hover Bike From Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
In Return of the Jedi, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker race through the Endor forests on a hover bike-motorcycle hybrid. This bike is very cool but it seems like something that is nearly impossible. But Hoversurf has developed and released a Hoverbike that is currently available for pre-order. Soon you too could race through forests, running away from Stormtroopers.
The technology in movies seems like it is out of reach and impossible to make. But most of it is not that out of reach. How do you feel about these technologies? Is this great or horrible? Let us know in the comments!