On Jan. 29, Intel launched its fifth-generation Core technology. These new Core vPro processors will support two wireless technologies; Intel’s Pro Wireless Display and Intel Wireless Docking. These technologies are both built into the new processor but will require external hardware. This is a move that reflects Intel’s wire-free vision that is expected to see it include wireless charging in its product portfolio later this year.
Intel is one of the leading suppliers of notebook PC microprocessors in the world, and this announcement follows its launch of the Intel Wireless Dock earlier in January. Intel Wireless Docking links to external PC peripherals such as printers, displays or external hard drives by conventional cables. The dock itself then links to notebook PCs using the WiGig standard, set up by the alliance that founded WiFi, which operates at a higher frequency to WiFi and is capable of transmitting data at a rate of 7Gbps. The vPro processor announced on Thursday will also support Intel’s Pro wireless display (WiDi) technology which can project what the user sees on their notebook PC onto a compatible TV display. Both of these technologies are part of Intel’s wider wire-free road map.
Questions or comments on this story? Contact dylan.mcgrath@ihs.com
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