Internet Enabled Consumer Devices

Abbreviations and Acronyms Commonly Found in the Electronics Industry

05 November 2018

What follows is a list of commonly used abbreviations and acronyms referenced in the electronics industry.

Bottom view of a Cyrix CPU, 6x86MX type core, PR200 model, manufactured in 1998 by IBM. Source: Eric Gaba, Wikimedia Commons user Sting/CC BY-SA 3.0Bottom view of a Cyrix CPU, 6x86MX type core, PR200 model, manufactured in 1998 by IBM. Source: Eric Gaba, Wikimedia Commons user Sting/CC BY-SA 3.0A

A: Amperes

A/D: Analog to digital

AC: Alternating current

ADC: Analog to digital converter

AE: Aerial

AE: Applications engineer

AI: Artificial intelligence

AM: Amplitude modulation

AM/FM: Amplitude modulation or frequency modulation

AMM: Analog multimeter

ANSI: American National Standards Institute

AR: Augmented reality

ASIC: Application specific integrated circuit

ASP: Application service provider


B: Battery

BGA: Ball grid array

BLDC: Brushless DC motor

BLE: Bluetooth low energy

bps: bit per second

BW: Bandwidth

DPDT knife switch in closed position.DPDT knife switch in closed position.


C: Capacitance

CAD: Computer-aided design

CAE: Computer-aided engineering

CAM: Computer-aided manufacture

CAN: Controller area network

CCD: Charge-coupled device

CMOS: Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor

COB: Chip on board

CPU: Central processing unit

CRT: Cathode ray tube


D or CR: Diode

D/A: Digital to analog

DAC: Digital to analog converter

dB: Decibels

dBm: dB milliwatt

DC: Direct current

DIN: Deutsche Industrie Norm

DIP: Dual-in-line packaging

DMA: Direct memory access

DMM: Digital multimeter

DPDT: Double-Pole Double-Throw (switch)

DRAM: Dynamic random access memory

1990s-era Ethernet network interface controller. Source: Nixdorf/CC BY-SA 3.01990s-era Ethernet network interface controller. Source: Nixdorf/CC BY-SA 3.0E

EHF: Extremely high frequency

EHV: Extra high voltage

ELF: Extremely low frequency

EIA: Electronic Industries Alliance

EISA: Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture

EMC: Electromagnetic compatibility

EMI: Electromagnetic interference

ESD: Electrostatic discharge

ETH: Ethernet

ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute

EV: Electric vehicle


F: Farads

f: Frequency

F: Fuse

FCC: Federal Communications Commission

FET: Field effect transistor

FDM: Frequency division multiplexing

FDMA: Frequency division multiple access

FPC: Flexible printed circuit

FPGA: Field-programmable gate array

FRU: Field replaceable unit

Navstar-2F satellite of the Global Positioning System (GPS).Navstar-2F satellite of the Global Positioning System (GPS).G

G: Conductance

G: Gauss

G: Giga

GaN: Gallium nitride

GDT: Gas discharge tube

GHz: Gigahertz

G: Gravitational force

GNSS: Global navigation satellite system

GPa: Gigapascal

GPS: Global positioning system

GUI: Graphic user interface

GWh: Gigawatt hours


HD: High definition

HDMI: High-definition multimedia interface

HF: High frequency

hp: Horsepower

HPC: High-performance computer

Hz: Hertz

Illustration of the internet of things (IoT).Illustration of the internet of things (IoT).I

I: Current

I/O: Input/output

IC: Integrated circuit

IDE: Integrated Drive Electronics

IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IF: Intermediate frequency

IoE: Internet of everything

IIoT: Industrial internet of things

IoT: Internet of things

IP: Intellectual property

IP: Internet Protocol

IPC: Interconnecting and packaging electronic circuit

IR: Infrared

ISA: Industry standard architecture

ISDN: Integrated services digital network

ISO: International Standardization Organization

ISP: Internet service provider


JFET: Junction field effect transistor


kHz: Kilohertz

kV: Kilovolt

kW: Kilowatt

LEDs used as daytime running lights. Source: Thermos/CC BY-SA 3.0LEDs used as daytime running lights. Source: Thermos/CC BY-SA 3.0L

L: Coil, inductance

LAN: Local area network

LAP: Link access protocol

LAPB: Link access protocol balanced

LC: Inductance-capacitance

LCD: Liquid crystal display

L-C-R: Inductance-capacitance-resistance

LDR: Light dependent resistor

LED: Light emitting diode

LF: Low frequency

LGA: Land grid array

Lidar: Light detection and ranging

li-ion: Lithium-ion

LNA: Low noise amplifier

LOC: Lab on a chip

LSI: Large scale integration

Modem and router units. Source: Tmthetom/CC BY-SA 4.0Modem and router units. Source: Tmthetom/CC BY-SA 4.0M

M: Mega

M: milli

mA: Milliampere

MAN: Metropolitan area network

MB: Megabytes

MCA: Micro channel architecture

MCGA: Multi-color graphics array

MCM: Multi-chip module

MEMS: Micro-electro-mechanical systems

MF: Medium frequency

Mfd: Micro Farads

MHz: Megahertz

Mic: Microphone

Mil: A thousandth of an inch

MMU: Memory management unit

mmWave: Millimeter wave

MODEM: Modulator demodulator

M2M: Machine to machine

MOSFET: Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor

MOS: Metal-oxide semiconductor

MPU: Microprocessor unit

MSI: Medium scale integration

mV: Millivolt

mW: Milliwatt

Neon lamps, type NE2, illustrating different voltages (DC left lead positive, DC right lead positive, AC). Source: Ceinturion/CC BY-SA 3.0Neon lamps, type NE2, illustrating different voltages (DC left lead positive, DC right lead positive, AC). Source: Ceinturion/CC BY-SA 3.0N

n: Nano

nA: Nanoampere

NA: Network analyzer

NBS: National Bureau of Standards

NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NE: Neon lamp

NFC: Near-field communication

NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology

nm: Nanometer

NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association

NMOS: Negatively doped metal-oxide semiconductor

Ns: Nanosecond

nW: Nanowatt


OD: Outside diameter

OEM: Original equipment manufacturer

OLED: Organic light emitting diode

OP AMP: Operational amplifier

OS: Operating system

The Arduino board is based on a printed circuit board (PCB) platform, and also represents a type of System on Chip (SoC).The Arduino board is based on a printed circuit board (PCB) platform, and also represents a type of System on Chip (SoC).


P: Pico/power

PA: Power amplifiers

PAL: Programmable array logic

PCB: Printed circuit board

PCM: Pulse code modulation

PDM: Pulse-duration modulation

PES: Project Engineer for Safety

pF: Picofarad

PGA: Pin grid array

PIC: Programmable interrupt controller

PIR: Passive infrared sensors

PLA: Programmable logic array

PLA: Poly(lactic) acid

PLD: Programmable logic device

PM: Phase modulation

PMOS: Positively doped metal-oxide semiconductor

PPE: Personal protective equipment

PS: Power supply

PTH: Plated through hole

PV: Photovoltaic

pw: Pulse width

PWM: Pulse width modulation


QAM: Quadrature amplitude modulation

One-gigabyte stick of DDR2 667 MHz (PC2-5300) laptop RAM, made by Samsung.One-gigabyte stick of DDR2 667 MHz (PC2-5300) laptop RAM, made by Samsung.R

R: Resistance

RAM: Random-access memory

RC: Resistance—Capacitance

RF: Radio frequency

RFI: Radio frequency interference

ROM: Read-only memory

RoHS: Restriction of Hazardous Substances

RPM: Revolutions per minute

RPM: Rotations per minute

RTOS: Real-time operating system


SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers

SCL: System control layer

SCSI: Small computer system interface

Centronics 50-pin SCSI connector. Source: Ian Wilson/CC BY-SA 3.0Centronics 50-pin SCSI connector. Source: Ian Wilson/CC BY-SA 3.0

SD: Secure digital

SD: Standard definition

SDRAM: Synchronous dynamic random-access memory

SHF: Super high frequency

SIMM: Single inline memory module

SIP: Single in-line package

SLIP: Serial line internet protocol

SMD: Surface mount device

SMT: Surface mount technology

SNA: System network architecture

SNR: Signal to noise ratio

SoC: System on Chip

SPST: Single-pole, single throw (switch)

Sq cm: Square centimeter

SRAM: Static random access memory

SVGA: Super video graphics array


T: Tera

THM: Through hole mounting

THT: Through hole technology

THz: Terahertz


UAV: Unmanned aerial vehicle

UHF: Ultra high frequency

UHV: Ultra high voltage

USB: Universal serial bus

UPS: Uninterruptible power supply

UV: Ultraviolet

Oculus viewer designed for virtual reality (VR) applications.Oculus viewer designed for virtual reality (VR) applications.V

V2X: Vehicle to everything

V: Voltage

VA: Volt ampere

VGA: Video graphics array

VHF: Very high frequency

VLSI: Very large scale integration

VLF: Very low frequency

VNA: Vector network analyzer

VRAM: Video random access memory

VR: Virtual reality


W: Watts

WAN: Wide area network

Wi-Fi: Wireless fidelity

WLAN: Wireless local area network

WPS: Wi-Fi protected setup

WSI: WLAN to serial interface


Z: Impedance

ZEV: Zero emissions vehicle


EEWeb—List of Symbols and Abbreviations in Electronics

Electronics and You—Electronic Component Name Abbreviations

Electronix Express—Commonly Used Acronyms

Hobby Projects: Abbreviations Used in Electronics

PCB3D—Abbreviations in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Syscom Tech — 80 Electronic Manufacturing Services Terms & Acronyms to Know

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