SpiCALCI 10, which replaces the previous version, features all of the new SMPS MLCCs that AVX has introduced over the past 18 months (many of which are sole-sourced), in addition to updated links to the latest datasheets on the new AVX website, and product photographs designed to help engineers better visualize product selections. Other new features include an enhanced part-selection process that makes it easier to find a valid part, and the option to view and save the output information that is used to generate graphs.
New additions to the SpiCALCI 10 product catalog include: ST10, RT10 and SMX 25 V-rated parts; parts with voltage ratings spanning 25 V to 5,000 V; VHT (X7R) dielectric high-temperature parts; the SV Series with N1500 dielectric; SXP Series parts rated for 1500 V, 2000 V and 3000 V; MIL-PRF-49470 T-Level BP (C0G /NP0) PS01 and PS02 style parts in case sizes 3, 4 and 5 with 100 V, 200 V and 500 V ratings; and MIL-PRF-49470 T-Level BX (X7R) 25 V PS01 style parts in case sizes 1–6.
AVX’s SpiCALCI 10 software allows electrical design engineers to predict critical operational parameters, such as self-resonant frequency, ESR, ESL and phase angle, for a given ambient temperature, temperature rise and operational frequency. Designers can also adjust the latter variables numerically, via a button slide, to model important capacitor characteristics, including ripple current, ripple voltage and internal temperature. The software also enables the creation of interactive graphs for further analysis of ESR and impedance vs. frequency, temperature rise vs. current, maximum current vs. frequency, maximum ripple voltage vs. frequency, phase angle vs. frequency, and capacitance changes with DC bias. The numerical data can be imported to SPICE simulation software, and graphs may be saved and printed for presentation or sharing.
Available free of charge, SpiCALCI 10 is packaged using InstallShield®, which facilitates easy installation on Windows® 7, Windows® 8 and other 64- or 32-bit PC operating systems. To download SpiCALCI 10, please visit AVX’s Design Tools page or click the link to save and open the executable file.