Avnet Inc. and Newark, a division of Avnet, are now carrying Arduino Pro industrial kits targeted for professionals and makers developing anything from smart devices to industrial automation.
The range of kits include microcontrollers, sensors and actuators for specific applications like internet of things, robotics, prototyping and more. The single board computers allow for zero-touch programming for easy deployment and remote management of the projects. The Arduino kits also include over-the-air firmware updates and secure on-board element.
The range of kits include:
- Arduino Pro Industrial Automation and Lighting — A kit for industrial communications and control applications.
- Arduino Smart Industry OEM Condition Monitoring — A kit that has three temperature inputs for thermocouples J/K and RTD PT100.
- Arduino Pro Edge AI/ML Vision and Speech — A kit with computer vision, image and speech recognition with Arduino C++ programming.
- Smart Industry Predictive Maintenance — A kit for beginning to tackle automation systems with voice commands and environmental sensing.
- Pro Smart Industry Prototyping — A hands-on kit for industrial automation applications.