Transphorm Inc. has introduced the TPH3207WS GaN field effect transistor (FET) with reportedly the lowest on-resistance (41 mOhm) in a TO-247 package that reduces system volume as much as 50% without sacrificing efficiency. The device’s low Rds(on) and ultra-low Qrr (175 nC) bring the benefits of GaN to applications that previously relied on silicon, enabling engineers to achieve power-dense solutions with reduced component count and improved reliability in high-voltage power conversion applications.
TPH3207WS GaN field effect transistor. (Source: Transphorm)The TPH3207 improves system reliability, performance and power density in a cascode configuration. These advantages are being realized in hard-switched bridges and the continuous conduction mode (CCM) bridgeless totem-pole power factor correction (PFC) designs being used in on-board chargers, solar inverters, telecom power supplies and other power conversion applications. Transphorm’s GaN FET portfolio has also added the TPH3208 family (130 mOhm) in industry-standard TO-220 and PQFN packages, further enabling the GaN revolution.
The devices enable designers to reduce overall power supply losses by as much as 40% while achieving up to 99% efficiency by implementing CCM bridgeless totem-pole PFC designs. Faster switching speeds from low capacitances and gate charge enable designers to reduce overall system cost.