
SATCOM user terminal supports EO and GEO satellites

05 April 2024
The SATCOM terminal can be used for both LEO and GEO satellites for civilian and military needs. Source: Greenerwave

Greenerwave, a startup developing satellite communications, has unveiled its first SATCOM terminal that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to maintain high speed connections between any type of geostationary (GEO) or low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites.

The SATCOM terminal is a solution that can be used for addressing current and future civilian and military satellite communication applications due to its ability to adapt configuration in real time to meet the needs of these sectors, Greenerwave said.

LEO satellites are alternative solutions to global communication and could be the future of telecom infrastructure. However, traditional antennas do not fully meet the needs of the market as they are hard to integrate. Other solutions rely on intelligent electronic antennas, but these are energy-intensive, which limits the ability to mass market these devices for telecoms, the company said.

The SATCOM terminal weighs less than 7 kilograms and can direct waves toward a specific device — GEO or LEO) — in real-time. The terminal relies on minimal hardware architecture and control software configured and optimized by AI. Additionally, the terminal can transition between beams and adjust its frequency range to establish a connection with any satellite.

Ther terminal meets the civilian and military needs of both on the pause and on the move. This means it enables continuous communication to vehicles, ships, aircraft and personnel, regardless of terrain and elongation. Greenerwave said this is critical for linking units and command posts in military applications or for maritime and aeronautical transport for civilian applications.

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