Industrial Electronics

Testing trions by gold nanowire spectroscopy

20 June 2024
Schematic of the gold probe-enhanced resonance spectroscopy system. Source: Nano Letters (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03920

The charged particles known as trions are quasiparticles that play a crucial role in the field of nanophotonics and quantum computing. Understanding how trions are generated is essential for advancing these technologies. Such information can be documented using a gold nanowire spectroscopy system devised by researchers in South Korea.

The instrument uses gold nanowires, which have excellent optical properties and can confine light to extremely small dimensions, making them ideal for investigating the behavior of trions. A combination of laser excitation and spectroscopic measurements is applied, enabling analysis of emitted light and providing insights into the generation and dynamics of trions in the nanowire structure.

Experimental data reported in Nano Letters indicates that the multipolar mode of electric charge plays a significant role in inducing the conversion of excitons to trions in 2D semiconductors. Real-time analysis of nano-light properties was achieved with an exceptional spatial resolution of approximately 10 nm, surpassing the limit of light diffraction. This enabled the identification of the principle behind trion generation and the development of reversible active control over exciton–trion conversion.

Researchers from Pohang University of Science and Technology, Chungbuk National University and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology participated in this study.

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