Thermography enables the analysis of flows by visualizing characteristically thermal signatures, which are caused by different heat transfer coefficients. Thus, direction and strength but especially the type of flow — turbulent or laminar — can be determined. Therefore, thermography as a non-contact, area-based and imaging temperature measurement method is perfectly suited to detect even the smallest flow-induced temperature gradients of less than 15 mK without influencing the flow behavior itself.
Source: InfraTec
So, thermography consequently is a good choice to be applied within the field of aerodynamic optimization, for example in reducing flow resistance on aircraft wings or rotor blades of wind power turbines. Besides this, thermography is also an excellent testing and measuring method in other areas of flow analysis. With its help, disturbing geometric influences on the flow-related heat exchange in convection-based cooling systems can be detected and subsequently eliminated. In the context of environmental and geological studies, the thermographic method enables, among other things, the large-scale analysis of natural or urban microclimates and thus allows conclusions to be drawn about local conditions.
In this online event, InfraTec will inform attendees about possible applications of thermography in the context of flow analysis.
This event will cover:
- General information about infrared thermography
- Presentation of different infrared camera techniques
- Presentation of different flow types and how to measure them with thermography
- Demonstration of different application possibilities
- Aerodynamic optimization (aircraft wings or rotor blades of wind turbines)
- Heat management industry (geometric influences in convection-based cooling systems)
- Environmental research (weather, wind situations, climate)
- Geological research (snow and rock avalanches, lava flow)
Register for this online presentation, scheduled for Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (CEST).