The development and production of complex technical assemblies and components places high demands on thermal optimization. The use of micro-thermography enables the thermal analysis of smallest structures in the µm range, as they occur in microelectronics for example. This opens whole new possibilities, for instance in quality control and development.
Dive into the big world of micro-thermography together with InfraTec and join this online event. LearnSource: InfraTec more about the possible application areas for micro-thermography and its physical characteristics:
- What are the physical characteristics of micro-thermography?
- What are the technical requirements for an infrared camera system?
- Which accessories (hardware and software) are needed to solve the measurement task?
- Which selection criteria are important and relevant?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of cooled and uncooled camera systems?
- In which application areas is micro-thermography used?
Register for the webinar, scheduled to be held Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CEST