Xaar plc, Lawter and its parent company, Harima Chemicals Group, are collaborating to optimize the performance of a line of nanosilver conductive inks for the Xaar 1002 industrial inkjet printhead. Consumer electronics goods that require a robust and reliable method for printing antennas and sensors with silver nanoparticle ink are expected to benefit from the optimization.
Industrial inkjet represents a cleaner process than other printing methods used to print silver inks. This is important when printing on a substrate. The inkjet process controls the amount of ink dispensed so that the ink deposited is thicker in some areas and thinner in others. It also enables the deposition of a much thinner layer of fluids than traditional methods, important with thinner devices. The inkjet is also able to print a circuit over a substrate that has a structured surface.
The new line of nanosilver conductive inks for inkjet printing is offers a combination of low temperature sintering and high circuit conductivity. The inks are compatible with a range of photonic curing tools and a variety of substrates.