Product Watch


  • Prevent premature product failure

    Supplier: Weiss Technik North America, Inc.
    Enhance Your Environmental Testing Results with Proper Test Chamber Airflow
  • ABB's asset performance management platform

    Supplier: ABB Measurement & Analytics
    ABB launches digital asset performance management platform for instrumentation
  • Dynamic Matched Antenna Using XFdtd

    Supplier: Remcom (USA)
    In this video tutorial, an antenna's intrinsic impedance is simulated for two conditions--in free space and against a head. A three-port switch with two possible states is also included.
  • Tune a Tunable Matched Antenna Using XFdtd

    Supplier: Remcom (USA)
    In this tutorial, we demonstrate the ease of adjusting, or tuning, multiple operating modes so that capacitance values match various frequency bands. Using XF’s schematic editor with tuning slider bars, the correct values can be found in moments.
  • XFdtd's Schematic Editor for Matching Networks

    Supplier: Remcom (USA)
    This presentation covers XFdtd's capabilities for matching networks, including the schematic editor and frequency domain circuit solver.
  • Group Delay for an Ultra Wide Band Antenna Webinar

    Supplier: Remcom (USA)
    Remcom's application engineering team developed a method for analyzing group delay for a single-port antenna. Watch this webinar to learn how group delay is determined directly from a single-port simulation.
  • Tune a Fixed-Band Matched Antenna Using XFdtd

    Supplier: Remcom (USA)
    XFdtd’s schematic editor includes matching network tuning, enabling users to easily adjust component values to meet design goals and better understand the behavior of a circuit.
  • User-friendly software and services for composites

    Supplier: Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Americas
    Trelleborg Sealing Solutions software Essential to the success of your project, the Windows® interface provides ease-of-use for our proprietary software suite: FPM© (Fiber Placement Manager) for planning, development, and simulation of your structure using automated fiber placement FPS© (Fiber Placement Software) for...
  • Diplex Matched Antenna Tutorial Using XFdtd

    Supplier: Remcom (USA)
    This tutorial demonstrates XFdtd's workflow for evaluating a diplex matched antenna and analyzing two different matching network states simultaneously.
  • Pre-defined testing programs - powerful analysis

    Supplier: Tinius Olsen, Inc.
    Tinius Olsen Horizon software has a comprehensive selection of pre-defined testing programs, including powerful testing data analysis, complex control and sophisticated reporting. These programs can be modified and further enhanced to fit a customer’s particular requirements, with the testing data collected exported to an outside source then later transferred to other data analysis...