Smart cities are emerging slowly as municipalities begin to add features to help enable internet of things (IoT) connectivity for public transportation, insights into traffic situations and expanding network coverage for Wi-Fi and 5G.
Now, Boston Networks is close to 100% expansion of IoT coverage to Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland.
Coverage of 99.7% has been achieved in Glasgow and 95% in Edinburgh, offering public and private sector organizations access to smart technologies in order to improve time efficiencies and provide data insights.
The company is also expanding into other cities as well, with networks in Argyll and Brute and the Western Isles as well as on the Scottish border towns of Stirling, Perth, Orkney, Ardeenshire and Dundee, which will be completed in November.
By the end of November, more than 30% of businesses, six local authorities and nearly 1.4 million people will have access to IoT connectivity in Scotland.
Some of the features of the smart city include environmental monitoring, water monitoring, facilities management, proactive monitoring of social housing and other support services in the cities.