Summary Points
- Audi Modular Infotainment Platform (MIB) - According to Audi, 'it transfers the platform principle
to in-car infotainment. Hard and software can be updated independently of the vehicle lifecycle, allowing them to keep pace with the innovation cycles of the IT sector, which are often just a few months.'
- MIB is the latest Infotainment Platform which has evloved from the 1st generation MMI 10 years ago
- Built By Harman Automotive in Germany
- Premiere in the New A3
- Modular Approach - Nvidia Visual Computing Module (contains the Tegra 2 Applications Processor); Cellular Interface Module (contains the actual Telits 3G Cellular Module); Digital Radio Module and Bluetooth / WLAN Module
- Nvidia Visual Computing Module (VCM) - Audi calls it MMX (multi-Mediaboard eXtension) Board. The Module is an exchangeable Plug and Play Card which enables easy future hardware upgrade
Audi MIB High (8V0035021 - MIB Processing Unit) Infotainment Main Image
Automotive OEM
Announced 2013 Jan
Audi MIB High (8V0035021 - MIB Processing Unit) Infotainment - Main PCB Top
New A3 in Europe As of 2013
Volume Estimations
295,000 Annual Production Volume
4 Product Lifetime (Years)
For the purposes of this teardown analysis, we have assumed an Annual Production Volume of 295000 units and a Product Lifetime Volume of 4 year(s).
Teardown volume and production assumptions are primarily used for our cost analysis in terms of amortized NRE and tooling costs, especially for custom components specific to the model being analyzed (mechanical components especially). Unless assumed volumes are different by an order of magnitude, minor changes in volume (say 1 million vs. 2) rarely have a large net effect on our final analysis because of this.
Audi MIB High (8V0035021 - MIB Processing Unit) Infotainment - Main PCB Bottom
Audi MIB High (8V0035021 - MIB Processing Unit) Infotainment Cost Analysis
Total BOM: $351.53
Top Cost Drivers below: $231.23
% of Total BOM 66%
Main Cost Drivers below
Nvidia - Visual Computing Module - Contains Nvidia Tegra 2 Applications Processor, 1GB DDR2 DRAM- (Qty: 1)
Telit - UC864-E-AUTO - Cellular Module - Quad-band GSM/EDGE, WCDMA/HSDPA 2100 3.5G Module, Automotive, Contains Qualcomm MSM6281, Qualcomm RTR6275 & Qualcomm PM6650- (Qty: 1)
CD/DVD Drive - Slot Load, Internal- (Qty: 1)
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC - DRA655AVWBICYEQ1 - Applications Processor - OMAP, Up to 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 RISC Core, Dual-ARM Cortex-M3 Core, 512KB L2 Cache, 64KB RAM, w/ TI C674x VLIW Floating-Point DSP Core & SGX530 3D Graphic Core, 45nm- (Qty: 1)
Dailan Pacific Electronics - 8-Layer - FR4, Lead-Free, Through Hole Via- (Qty: 1)
PnPNetwork - PN3021P - Digital Audio Broadcasting SoC - Demodulator+DSP, for DAB/DAB+/DMB Audio/FM(RDS)- (Qty: 2)
TE CONNECTIVITY LTD - 1-1823724-1B - MOST Optical Connector - 2+0 Type, w/ Plastic Housing & Metal Shielding- (Qty: 1)
NXP SEMICONDUCTORS - TDF8530TH/N1S1 - Audio Power Amplifier - 4-Channel, Class D, 4 x 70W, Automotive- (Qty: 1)
Silicon Sensing - CRM100 - Gyroscope - Single-Axis, Automotive- (Qty: 1)
RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORP - uPD70F3488A - MCU - 32-Bit, V850E1 Core, 48MHz, 1280KB Flash, 60KB RAM, 128 I/Os- (Qty: 1)
Not Included in Analysis
The total materials and manufacturing costs reported in this analysis reflect ONLY the direct materials cost (from component vendors and assorted EMS providers), AND manufacturing with basic test. Not included in this analysis are costs above and beyond the material manufacture of the core device itself - cost of intellectual property, royalties and licensing fees (those not already included into the per component price), software, software loading and test, shipping, logistics marketing and other channel costs including not only EMS provider and the OEM's margin, but that of other resellers. Our cost analysis is meant to focus on those costs incurred in the manufacture of the core device and exceptionally in some circumstances the packaging and literature as well.
We do provide an Excel tab 'Overall Costs' where a user can enter their known pre and post production costs to build a per unit cost reflective of theirs actual expenditures.
Audi MIB High (8V0035021 - MIB Processing Unit) Infotainment - Disassembly View 1
For the purposes of this analysis, we are assuming the following country(ies) of origin for each level of assembly, based on a combination of 'Made In' markings, and/or assumptions based on our knowledge of such equipment.
Audio Amp PCB - Germany
Box Contents - Germany
Cellular Interface Module - Germany
Digital Radio Module - Germany
I/O & Interface PCB - Germany
Main PCB - Germany
Misc PCB Assemblies - Germany
Other - Enclosures / Final Assembly - Germany
Storage Device - Germany
Visual Computing Module - Germany
Country of origin assumptions relate directly to the associated cost of manufacturing, where calculated by iSuppli. In the cases of 'finished' sub-assemblies (such as combo modules), we do not calculate internal manufacturing costs, but rather assess the market price of the finished product in which case country of origin assumptions may or may not have a direct effect on pricing.
Labor rates are applied directly only to hand inserted components and systems in our bill of materials, and although regional assumptions do, these new rates do not have a direct effect on our modeled calculations of placement costs for automated SMD assembly lines. "Auto inserted components (such as SMT components) placement costs are calculated by an iSuppli algorithm which allocates a cost per component based on the size and pincount of the device. This calculation is affected by country or region of origin as well.
Design Complexity
Component counts by assembly and the number of assembly are indicators of design complexity and efficiency.
Component Qty: 1584 - Main PCB
Component Qty: 486 - Visual Computing Module
Component Qty: 384 - Cellular Interface Module
Component Qty: 87 - Other - Enclosures / Final Assembly
Component Qty: 1 - Storage Device
Component Qty: 323 - Audio Amp PCB
Component Qty: 245 - Digital Radio Module
Component Qty: 159 - I/O & Interface PCB
Component Qty: 7 - Box Contents
Component Qty: 15 - Misc PCB Assemblies
Component Qty: 3291 - Grand Total