Industrial Electronics

Anokiwave Chief Systems Architect Addressed IWPC’s '5G Trial Results and Deployment – Lessons Learned' Workshop

17 October 2018

David Corman, chief systems architect for Anokiwave -- an innovative company providing highly integrated IC solutions for millimeter wave markets and active antenna-based solutions -- presented at the International Wireless Industry Consortium (IWPC) Interactive Workshop, “5G Trial Results and Deployment – Lessons Learned,” held Oct. 15-16 in Austin, Texas. His presentation was Source: Anokiwave, IncSource: Anokiwave, Incincluded in the vendor perspectives session held Oct. 16.

The interactive workshop enabled IWPC members to assess learnings from global trials and deployments of 5G New Radio and millimeter wave, and explored new use-case opportunities, challenges and issues going forward. Corman discussed how active antenna cost reductions combined with the ability to optimize and monitor performance in the field will enable the rapid deployment of 5G networks. His presentation was called “mmWave Active Antenna Industrialization: Enabling the Future for 5G Systems.”

“Beamforming in active antennas is not new technology and has been around for decades,” said Shmuel Ravid, chief engineer at Anokiwave. “The revolutionary change is that we are able to industrialize beamforming active antennas now for 5G. All-silicon arrays offer significant cost and technical advantages such as low material costs, ZERO-CAL® to eliminate array calibration, and green features to minimize electrical operating costs.”

Corman, a 38-year veteran in the millimeter wave industry with 49 patents worldwide, firmly believes that increased integration with Zero-Cal, green features and field health monitors are primary enablers for cost competitive, high-volume 5G systems.

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