Mobile Devices

UK ignores warnings, will allow Huawei to supply 5G equipment

25 April 2019

The U.K. has given the go-ahead to Chinese wireless equipment supplier Huawei to help build Britain’s 5G network despite warnings from the U.S. that the Chinese government could use the next-generation wireless cellular standard to spy on the country.

The U.S. government has suggested that Huawei is under direct influence and funding from China’s military and intelligence and that using the company for a 5G mobile network would be a risk to national security. Australia and New Zealand both followed suit by banning Huawei from being involved in any 5G equipment rollout.

During a meeting of the U.K.’s National Security Council, Prime Minister Theresa May said that Huawei would be given limited access to help build parts of the 5G network for the country such as antennas and other noncore infrastructure, reported The Telegraph.

Other European countries have also chosen not to exclude Huawei including Italy and Germany, which recently began auctions for 5G mobile broadband spectrum saying it was establishing security requirements for suppliers the country deemed “trustworthy.”

During the announcement, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany would not simply rule out a participant because another country tells it to, and that everyone should be given a chance as the country evaluates partners for 5G.

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