Electronics and Semiconductors

ChargePoint touts 1 million chargers across Europe and US

30 July 2024
Through private, public and roaming charging bays, ChargePoint has surpassed 1 million on two continents. Source: ChargePoint

Independent electric vehicle (EV) charging vendor ChargePoint has announced it now has more than one million charging bays in the form of public, private and roaming ports in North America and Europe.

The company is also touting that it has crossed the 10 billion electric miles threshold enabled by its ChargePoint network to date.

Infrastructure for EV charging has become a central point of contention in the automotive industry as the need to expand stations is growing as more EVs get on the road. While reports indicate that EV interest among U.S. adults is falling, demand remains high enough that there are already issues with charging stations emerging.

Additionally, with automotive OEMs continuing their strategic plan to transition a majority of their vehicles to electrified models in the next 10 to 15 years, infrastructure will continue to be an issue until there is enough supply to meet current and future demand.

ChargePoint said that with more drivers needing to charge their vehicles today, and in the future, they will look to EV infrastructure not just at home but where they work and entertain. This includes:

  • Movie theaters
  • Grocery stores
  • Drug stores
  • Shopping malls
  • Restaurants
  • Big box stores

Of the 10 billion electric miles already driven, ChargePoint said this is the equivalent to saving more than 410 million gallons of gasoline and more than 2.2 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions as a result.

To contact the author of this article, email PBrown@globalspec.com

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