KRYTAR, Inc., a developer of ultra-broadband microwave components and test equipment, announces a new directional coupler operating in the wideband frequency range of 0.5 GHz to 20 GHz (L- through K-Bands) offering nominal coupling of 30 dB in a compact package. This coupler offers the ultimate solution for emerging designs and test and measurement applications including mmWave, 5G, radar and satellite communications (SATCOM).
Source: KRYTAR, Inc.
KRYTAR’s new directional coupler, Model 152030, delivers superior performance ratings including nominal coupling (with respect to output) of 30 dB, 1.80 dB; frequency sensitivity is ±1.8 dB. The directional coupler exhibits insertion loss (including coupled power) of less than 2.8 dB, directivity of greater than 10 dB and maximum VSWR is 1.35 at any port. Input power rating is 20 W average and 3 kW peak.
The directional coupler comes with industry-standard SMA female connectors. The compact package measures just 4.49 inches (L) x 0.53 inches (W) x 0.71 inches (H), and weighs only 3.1 ounces. Operating temperature is -54° C to 85° C.
Specifications for the full line of KRYTAR directional couplers can be found on the company’s website: Directional couplers.