The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has partnered with HP to use the company’s new bioprinters to test bacterial pathogens for resistance to specific antibiotic samples. The HP D300e Digital Dispenser Bioprinters are being used as part of the Antibiotic Resistance Lab Network to create better tools to HP bioprinters with inkjet printing technology have been adapted for automated laboratory dispensing to help fight antimicrobial resistance. Source: HP Inc.address developing antibiotic resistance in emerging bugs.
The HP bioprinters release small, accurately measured amounts (picoliters to microliters) of molecules and biomolecules, dispensing pharmaceutical samples instead of ink to advance antimicrobial susceptibility testing for new drugs. Network labs in New York, Minnesota, Tennessee and Wisconsin will conduct this drug discovery and proteomics research.
CDC-authorized testing will be implemented in the regional laboratories in the first quarter of FY19, with an initial emphasis on pan-resistant bacteria. HP will coordinate with the CDC to evaluate the pilot in the regional labs, refine the system, and explore and support a larger rollout of inkjet printing technology in labs nationwide.